Working Papers
Increasing Parents' Engagement on Ed-Tech Platforms through Personalized Nudges: Evidence from the Field
N. Goyal, A. A. Okuno, D. Singhvi and S. Singhvi
- People's Choice Award, Early Career Sustainable OM Workshop (2024)
Design of Resale Platforms
I. Morgenstern, D. Saban, D. Singhvi and S. Singhvi
Preliminary version presented at the 7th Marketplace Innovation Workshop (2022)
Online Learning with Sample Selection Bias
D. Singhvi and S. Singhvi
Minor Revision, Operations Research
(A previous version of this paper was circulated as "Increasing Charity Donations: A Bandit Learning Approach")
- Spotlighted Presentation in Revenue Management & Pricing Conference (2022)
Buying Cheap: Brand Switching During Economic Distress and Its Disparate Impact on Consumers
S. Dutta, D. Singhvi and S. Singhvi
Major Revision, M&SOM
Math Programming Based Reinforcement Learning for Multi-Echelon Inventory Management
P. Harsha, A. Jagmohan, J. Kalagnanam, B. Quanz and D. Singhvi
Major Revision, M&SOM
- Preliminary version in Deep RL Workshop, NeurIPS (2021)
Accepted and Published Papers
A Data-Driven Approach to Improve Weaver's Productivity in Rural India
D. Singhvi, S. Singhvi and X. Zhang
Accepted in ACM Conference on Economics & Computation (EC'24)
Journal version under major revision in Operations Research
- Third place, INFORMS Service Science Best Student Paper Award Competition (2023)
- Preliminary version presented in Early Career Sustainable OM Workshop (2023)
- Preliminary version accepted in MSOM Sustainable Operations Management SIG (2023)
- Finalist, POMS Service Operations Management Student Paper Competition (Zhang, 2023)
- First place, POMS Sustainable Operations Student Paper Competition (Zhang, 2023)
Dynamic Pricing with Unknown Non-Parametric Demand and Limited Price Changes
G. Perakis and D. Singhvi
Operations Research, Articles in Advance
- Spotlighted Presentation in Revenue Management & Pricing Conference (2019)
Ancillary Services in Targeted Advertising: from Prediction to Prescription
A. Borenstein, J. W. Lua, A. Mangal, G. Perakis, S. Poninghaus, D. Singhvi and O. Skali Lami
M&SOM, 25(4), 1285-1303 (2023)
- Honorable Mention, M&SOM Practice Based Competition (2021)
COVID19: A Multiwave SIR Based Model for Learning Waves
G. Perakis, O. Skali Lami, D. Singhvi and L. Thayaparan
Production and Operations Management 32(5), 1471-1489 (2023)
- Finalist, INFORMS Service Science Best Student Paper Award (Thayaparan, 2021)
Learning Personalized Product Recommendations with Customer Disengagement
H. Bastani, P. Harsha and G. Perakis and D. Singhvi
M&SOM 24(4), 2010-2028 (2022)
- Second place, INFORMS Best Service Science Paper Award Competition (2019)
- Honorable Mention, POMS College of Supply Chain Management Best Student Paper Award (2019)
The Role of Optimization in Some Recent Advances in Data-Driven Decision-Making
L. Baardman, R. Cristian, G. Perakis, O. Skali-Lami, D. Singhvi and L. Thayaparan
Mathematical Programming, 1-35 (2022)
Evaluation of individual and ensemble probabilistic forecasts of COVID-19 mortality in the US
E. Y. Cramer et al.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119 (15), e2113561119 (2022)
The United States COVID-19 Forecast Hub Dataset
E. Y. Cramer et al.
Scientific Data, 9(1), 1-15 (2022)
COVID-19: Prediction, Prevalence, and the Operations of Vaccine Allocation
M. A. Bennouna, J. Joseph, D. A. Nze Ndong, G. Perakis, D. Singhvi, O. Skali Lami, I. Spantidakis, L. Thayaparan and A. Tsiourvas
M&SOM, 25(3), 1013-1032 (2022)
- Winner, ICSS Best Conference Paper Competition (2021)
- Finalist, Doing Good with Good OR Competition (Skali Lami, 2021)
- Finalist, INFORMS Service Science Section Best Student Paper Award (2021)
- Finalist, INFORMS Public Sector in Operations Best Paper Award (2021)
Leveraging Comparables for New Product Sales Forecasting
L. Baardman, I. Levin, G. Perakis and D. Singhvi
Production and Operations Management, 27(12), 2340-2343 (2018)
- First place, POMS Applied Research Challenge (2018)
- First place, POMS College of Supply Chain Management Best Student Paper Award (2018)
- Finalist, INFORMS Service Science Section Best Student Paper Award (2018)
- Honorable mention in MIT Operations Research Center Best Student Paper Competition (2018)
Predicting Bike Usage for New York City’s Bike Sharing System
D. Singhvi, S. Singhvi, P. Frazier, S. Henderson, E. Mahony, D. Shmoys and D. Woodard
AAAI Workshop on Computational Sustainablity (2015)